[Adass-announce] Second announcement for ADASS XXVII, 22-26 October 2017, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Jorge Ibsen jibsen at eso.org
Thu Jun 29 16:13:16 MST 2017

Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) Conference Series


Date: 22-26 October 2017


Venue: Sheraton Santiago Hotel and Conference Center, Santiago de Chile, Chile


Web site: http://www.adass.cl


Contact e-mail: info at adass.cl (for general information questions), secretariat at adass.cl (for logistical questions)


Please note that the deadline for oral and focus demos submissions has been extended until midnight of July 7 CLT.


Please don’t forget to mark your calendars for the 27th annual conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (http://adass.org). The conference will be held from 22-26 October 2017 at the Sheraton Santiago Hotel and Conference Center, Santiago de Chile, Chile. The hosts of ADASS XXVII will be the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), and the Technical University Federico Santa María (UTFSM).



This annual conference, held in a different location each year, is a forum for astronomers, computing scientists, software engineers, faculty members and students working in areas related to algorithms, software and systems for the acquisition, reduction, analysis, and dissemination of astronomical data.



The ADASS XXVII program will include invited talks, contributed papers, display sessions, tutorials, computer demonstrations, and special interest ("Birds of a Feather" or BoF) meetings. These activities aim to encourage communication between software specialists and scientists, and to stimulate further development of software and systems to meet the data science challenges of astronomy.



Key themes for ADASS XXVII are:


·         Open source in astronomy: collaboration, development methods, tools, licensing, obstacles, and critics.

·         The challenges of operating large-scale complex astronomical instruments.

·         Machine learning applied to astronomical data analysis.

·         Astronomical network and data center infrastructure in the age of massive data transfer, Docker, Agile development, and DevOps.

·         Observatory operations software for ground and space based telescopes all the way through the value chain

·         Human-Computer Interaction, user interfaces design guidelines and interfaces to big data sets

·         HPC for Astronomy Data Reduction

·         Algorithms and Software for Radio Astronomy

·         Astronomy Simulation Software

·         Education and Citizen Science



Confirmed invited speakers include:


·         Christophe Dabin (CNES)

·         Jeff Kern (NRAO)

·         Nathan Goldbaum (NCSA)

·         Giulia Lafrate (INAF-OA Trieste)

·         Giuseppe Longo (U. Napoli)

·         Michele Peron (ESO)

·         Nick Ress (SKA)

·         Mark Taylor (U. Bristol)



Additional speakers will be added in the following weeks and will be announced in the website (www.adass.cl).


Please note registration and abstract submission are still open. General inquiries can be sent to secretariat at adass.cl.


The International Virtual Observatory Alliance meeting will be held in the same venue immediately after ADASS, on 27-29 October, 2017


Program Organising Committee (POC): Alice Allen (ASCL), Christophe Arviset (ESA-ESAC), Pascal Ballester (ESO), Sebastien Derrière (CDS/France), Mike Fitzpatrick (NOAO), Stephen Gwyn (CADC), Jorge Ibsen (ALMA), Tony Krueger (STScI), Kathleen Labrie (Gemini), Mark Lacy (NRAO), Jim Lewis (IoA), Nuria Lorente, POC Chair (AAO), Jessica Mink (CFA), Fabio Pasian (INAF), Keith Shortridge (K&V), Mauricio Solar (UTFSM), Tadafumi Takata (NAOJ), Peter Teuben (UMD), Xiuqin Wu (IPAC)


Local Organising Committee (LOC) (loc at adass.cl): Demian Arancibia (Smart Industry Program), Paola Arellano (REUNA), Pascal Ballester, LOC Co-Chair (ESO), Amelia Bayo (U. Valparaiso), Guillermo Cabrera (U. Concepción), Jorge Ibsen, LOC Co-Chair (ALMA), Paula González (Head of Innovation Division, Chilean Ministry of Economy), Karim Pichara (Pontificia U. Católica), Pablo Roman (U. Santiago), Mónica Rubio (DAS, U. Chile), R. Chris Smith (AURA), Mauricio Solar, LOC Co-Chair (UTFSM), Luis Véliz (Inria Chile), Eduardo Vera (NLHPC, CMM)


Best regards,

Nuria Lorente on behalf of the ADASS POC,

Pascal Ballester, Jorge Ibsen, and Mauricio Solar on behalf of the ADASS XXVII LOC.


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