[Adass-announce] First announcement for ADASS XXVIII, 11-15 November 2018, Maryland, USA

Nuria P. F. Lorente nuria.lorente at aao.gov.au
Tue May 15 04:57:58 MST 2018

Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) Conference Series

                             11-15 November 2018
                   "The Hotel" in College Park, Maryland, USA.

                       web site: http://adass2018.umd.edu

Mark your calendars for the 28th annual conference on Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems (http://adass.org).
The conference will be held from 11-15 November 2018, hosted by the
University of Maryland Astronomy Department at "The Hotel"
in College Park, Maryland, USA.

This annual conference, held in a different location each year, is a
forum for astronomers, computing scientists, software engineers,
faculty members and students working in areas related to algorithms,
software and systems for the acquisition, reduction, analysis, and
dissemination of astronomical data.

The ADASS XXVIII program will include invited talks, contributed
papers, display sessions, tutorials, computer demonstrations, and
special interest ("Birds of a Feather" or BoF) meetings, as well as a
community-based Hackathon preceeding the meeting.
These activities aim to encourage communication between software
specialists and scientists, and to stimulate further development of
software and systems to meet the data science challenges of astronomy.

Key themes for ADASS XXVIII are:
*  Machine Learning in Astronomy
*  Management of Large Science Projects
*  Astrophysical Data Visualization from Line Plots to Augmented and
    Virtual Reality
*  Data Science: Workflows, Hardware, Software, Humanware
*  Science Platforms: Tools for Data Discovery and Analysis from
    Different Angles
*  DevOps practices in Astronomy Software
*  Software for Solar System Astronomy
*  Time Domain Astronomy
*  Multi-Messenger Astronomy
*  Databases and Archives: Challenges and Solutions in the Big Data Era
*  Quality Assurance of Science Data
*  Algorithms

Registration and abstract submissions are now open. A roster of invited
speakers will be distributed with the second announcement. General
inquiries can be sent to adass2018 at astro.umd.edu

Note that The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA)
meeting will be held before ADASS, on 8-10 November, at the
same venue.

Program Organising Committee (POC)
     Alice Allen (ASCL/UMD)
     Christophe Arviset (ESA-ESAC)
     Pascal Ballester (ESO)
     Sébastien Derrière (CDS)
     Kimberly DuPrie (STScI)
     Mike Fitzpatrick (NOAO)
     Stephen Gwyn (CADC)
     Jorge Ibsen (ALMA)
     Kathleen Labrie (Gemini)
     Mark Lacy (NRAO)
     Jim Lewis (IoA)
     Nuria Lorente, POC Chair (AAO)
     Jessica Mink (SAO)
     Fabio Pasian (INAF)
     Roberto Pizzo (ASTRON)
     Keith Shortridge (K&V)
     Tadafumi Takata (NAOJ)
     Peter Teuben (UMD)
     Xiuqin Wu (IPAC)

Local Organising Committee (LOC)
     Peter Teuben, Chair (UMD)
     Alice Allen (ASCL/UMD)
     Gerbs Bauer (UMD)
     Ratna Day (NASA Goddard)
     Kimberly DuPrie (STScI)
     Tom McGlynn, IVOA (NASA Goddard)
     Marc Pound (UMD)
     Anne Raugh (UMD)
     Brian Thomas (NASA HQ)
     Elizabeth Warner (UMD)
     Mark Wolfire (UMD)

Best regards,

Nuria Lorente on behalf of the ADASS POC,
Peter Teuben on behalf of the ADASS XXVIII LOC.

Nuria P. F. Lorente
Senior Astronomy Instrumentation Software & Systems Engineer
Australian Astronomical Observatory

e: nuria.lorente at aao.gov.au
t: +61 2 9372 4897
w: http://www.aao.gov.au

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