Activities 1-3 take place early in the calendar year: from January through March, and it involves from a few hours to a day's worth of effort. Item 4 takes place a few months prior to each conference, and involves perhaps 1-3 days of effort per person. Item 6 takes very little effort, and is spread throughout the year (except for some concentrated activity at the POC meetings). The POC meets formally only once per year, on the last day of the conference. We meet informally whenever our paths cross, typically at AAS or SPIE meetings.
The last point (8) is relatively new, and is best illustrated with a couple of examples. We are developing the Web site to, among other things, serve as a collection point for the ADASS "corporate memory," the conference proceedings, announcements, and as an engine in the support of ADASS conference administration (with a listserver, ftp area, etc.) There are a number of other services that are planned for the site that we believe will serve the ADASS community, as well as the broader astronomical community. In the end, though, we will likely have to implement all of the selected services with volunteer help from some POC members. There are other special projects as well, such as the informal ADASS "Publications Board" which helps to establish sensible editorial policy, identify new and promising technologies that can be applied to the proceedings work, etc. POC members participate in all of these "extra- curricular activities" according to their available time and interest.
Copyright © 2001 The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ADASS Program Organizing Committee (
Last updated 2001-Mar-20