ADASS 2003 Invited Oral Program Summary

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ADASS 2003 Tutorial
Topic Speaker Inviter Status Promised Funding
VO Technology Workshop TBD Bob Hanisch Accepted TBD


ADASS 2003 Invited Oral Program Status
Results of Round-1 Voting
Results of Round-2 Voting
Sub-Topic Speaker Inviter Status Funding?
Automated Classification & Catalog Generation
Catalog Generation for the 2MASS All-Sky Data Release Roc Cutri (IPAC) Tom Handley Accepted  
Promises and Challenges in Automatic Pattern Recognition Tin Kam Ho (Lucent) Dick Shaw Accepted Hotel
Automated Catalog Generation for the SDSS Bob Nichol (CMU) Dick Shaw Accepted  
Surveys & Large-Scale Data Management
ESO Imaging Surveys Luis Da Costa (ESO) Michele Peron Accepted  
The GAIA Understanding our Galaxy Xavier Luri (Barcelona) Daniel Egret Accepted  
Wide-Field Cosmic Shear Surveys Yannick Mellier (Inst. d'Astrophysique de Paris) Christian Veillet Accepted  
The ALMA Software System Joe Schwarz (ESO) Brian Glendenning Accepted  
The CFHT Legacy Survey Christian Veillet (CFHT) POC Accepted  
Data Management for Pan-STARRS Nick Kaiser (IfA/U. Hawaii) Todd Boroson Declined  
2MASS Extended Mission Roc Cutri (IPAC) Tom Handley Suggested  
The SIRTF Data Processing, Archive, and Distribution System Lisa Storie-Lomardi (SIRTF/SSC) Tom Handley Suggested  
Image Processing
Keck Interferometry Gerard van Belle (MSC) Tom Handley Accepted  
Image Restoration Tim Cornwell (NRAO) Arnold Rots Accepted  
Model-Free Deconvolution via Multiscale Methods Rebecca Willett (Rice U.) Dick Shaw Accepted Hotel (5 Nights), US$800
Mars Rover Image Calibration Larry Preheim (JPL) Tom Handley Suggested  
Interferometry Kurt Weiler (NRL) Arnold Rots Suggested  
Next-Generation Instrument Modelling & Data Visualization
Instrument Modelling in Observational Astronomy Pascal Ballester (ESO) Richard Hook Accepted  
3-D Spectroscopy Arlette Pecontal-Rousset (Obs. de Lyon) Michele Peron Accepted  
High Performance Computing
The European Grid Infrastructure EGEE Project Fabrizio Gagliardi (CERN) Michele Peron Accepted  
Astronomical Data Storage and Distribution in the Next Five Years Benoit Pirenne (ESO) Michele Peron Accepted  
Flexible Computing on Big Iron Edwin Huizinga (STScI) Glenn Miller Accepted  
Parallel Astrophysical Computing Lars Hernquist (CfA) Dick Shaw Declined:
Never responded
Recovery Oriented Computing David Patterson (UCB) Dick Shaw Suggested  
Armando Fox (Stanford)
Next-Generation Storage Technologies Regan Moore (SDSC) Dick Crutcher Declined  
The Cactus Computing Framework Ed Seidel (MPI) Dick Crutcher Declined  
Virtual Private Networks Tom Buchannan (GSFC) Glenn Miller Suggested  
Institutional Support for Linux Edwin Huizinga (STScI) Glenn Miller Suggested  
Observatory Operations
The GBT Precision control System Kim Constantikes (NRAO) Patrick Wallace Accepted  
The Transition of the SIRTF/SSC System from Development to Flight Operations Ingolf Heinrichsen (SIRTF/SSC) Tom Handley Suggested  


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Last updated 2003-Aug-22